Beautiful Prague will bring you more than sights. Come and find out for yourself.

The Prague gun range invites everyone who is at least eighteen years old to try target shooting. It is an amazing experience that you will love. Book your appointment as soon as possible, because the ere may not be any free capacity in a few minutes. Upon arrival at the shooting range, the excellent staff will hand you out and show you everything. He will show you how to handle weapons and, of course, teach you about the strict rules of how to behave on the shooting range! Everyone must strictly follow these rules!

terč - střelnice

Everyone should try as much as possible in their life – as many experiences, see as many beautiful and interesting places as possible. Why should you limit yourself? Why haven`t you tried it yet? I`ll take my whole gang and go shoot some targets. Measure your strength. Test how heavy the gun is and how it kicks when fired. You have the opportunity to try out other weapons as well. Would you like it? Not yet! It`s a great experience and thanks to trying shooting at the shooting range, you can even make it your hobby. If you pull the trigger on a pistol for the first time and don`t even hit the target, don`t despair – everyone started somehow and not everyone can be a master and the best in the field right away. Just train and no stress.

muž - pistole

Prices for services at the shooting range are very pleasant to the point of shocking. It is one of the cheapest and at the same time the most equipped shooting ranges around. It`s worth coming here. In addition, Prague is beautiful and full of monuments. Combine it with a trip and you have plenty to do all day. Take a tour of the tourist attractions, then visit the shooting range, so you can relax and unwind, plus have fun, and then go out for a great dinner or lunch. There are many restaurants here, so if you feel like Indian cuisine – no problem, if you like Asian cuisine – no problem either.